When entries are all in
Manage and review competitor and spectator accounts. Keep track of entries, fees, tickets and package purchases.
Generate Ticket and Package definitions for online ticket and competitor package purchase
Reports generated in Text or RTF formats.
A long list of reports can currently be generated.
More available upon request
Several complex reports for your registrar or program designer
Built in Email communciation allow you to notify competitors of event changes, Payments due. Also, once the schedule is completed, you can send bulk email including the individuals current heats and schedule. Plus, access to a database containing over 7000 active competitor email addresses.
A Brief History of O2CM Feature Development
O2CM began as a simple email registration system for a small local event. It quickly became a database driven online registration system scheduling tools and posted schedule. This was soon modified to be an onsite tool as well, keeping the registrar, emcee and scrutineer in communications as to who was dancing each event.
With the advent of affordable handheld devices around 2002, Dell Axims were incorporated into the system to supply even better communications with on-deck. Then came the highlight of the system – an electronic marking system. Over the next decade, accounting and scheduling tools for all types of ballroom events were developed as well as improvements throughout the electronic marking system.
In 2013, the system was updated to be more flexible with current technologies. Now the organizer can manage his event through a website, without installing a windows application. The Electronic system is web based as well, making the availability and versatility of pads much greater. This rewrite also incorporated additional ideas such as, where the audience and competitors can follow along with the activities on their smart phones.
As we move forward in 2021, the system is being transitioned to new ownership ready to continue to make your events amazing!